Across Borders in Search of Dignity by Charity Ngugi-Latz

author interviews Mar 26, 2019

“Every migrant is imperfectly perfect. The strength that drives leaving all you have to pursue the unknown gives you tremendous mental toughness” Amina Chitembo.

Here is an interview with Charity Ngugi-Latz co-author of  'The Perfect Migrant' book features 10 authors from around the world. The authors of this book come from the following countries: Zambia, Botswana, United Kingdom, Kenya, the United States of America, Gambia, Italy, Switzerland, Cameroon, and Zimbabwe.

You can also watch this interview on Youtube 

Tell us a bit about yourself?

I am a Kenyan citizen who resides in Köln Germany since 1997. I am a widow since 2014, a mother of five young adults. I graduated from the University of Nairobi, in 1987 with an honours degree in Literature. I worked as a life insurance underwriter for over 15 years in Kenya before moving to Germany.

In Germany, I have held various jobs working with migrant groups as a volunteer twice a week. Currently, I work in administration and research at Sonnenblumen (Sunflower) Community Development Group e.V, an international NGO which deals with projects to uplift the Afro-Diaspora community through Arts, Culture; Mentorship, Music, Special Education, Languages, and integration advice.

What prompted you to write a chapter in the Perfect Migrant book?

It is a voice for the immigrants and refugees whose heritage has been misconstrued on purpose and by others who are plainly naive or envious. I had to play my role authentically and tell about the resilience, courage and exhaustive experiences within the co-authored book; in short the untold story of individual and group success within the co-chapters.

Where did you get your ideas for your story?

The title Perfect Migrant resonated with who l consider myself to be ‘A Migrant’ who has been through struggles and victories, hopes and disappointments, and many trials and tribulations, and finally finding home. When I observe the many migrants whom I come into contact with in my place of work, I see “perfect migrants” in human beings.“This chapter reflects a similar journey of others who have gone before me, and l hope will be a guiding compass in one way or the other, to others who are about to start on this journey or are on this journey.”

It gives the true meaning of migration which is a crossing of borders in search of dignity.

When did you realise that you could write?

I have always written in my blog and on social media especially on Facebook, but that felt common since many people do it. However, the day l handed in my final draft and two days later my Publisher Amina Chitembo, told me it is beautiful and finished, l wanted to cry and laugh at the same time. I said to her; from now on l can honestly say: "I am a Writer!"

What do you plan to do with the story you have written?

I intend to continue with the story and bring in many others to voice their stories giving pride to their courage. I want to co-write, help and inspire each other with hope for a better tomorrow.

I hope that as many people as possible will get some tips and short-cuts from the chapters on which paths to avoid to skip the obstacles and pitfalls.

What was your greatest fear about writing?

My greatest fear about writing started here in Germany, especially with the challenges of learning a new language. I suddenly started feeling inferior about a lot of things, and my passion for writing is one of them. "I am not good enough” and “who would be interested in reading any stuff from me?” and thirdly, convincing myself l could never afford it.

How did you overcome it?

How I overcame this fear is after over four years of writing articles on my blogs, I  felt enough is enough. I enrolled in this chapter and then went to Mombasa, Kenya, booked myself in an apartment, alone for almost a month and took my first self-therapy writing holiday. Within two weeks l had sent my draft.

How do you feel now after writing?

I feel empowered, excited, thrilled and confident. I am now writing every day. I also feel very grateful for the encouragement from my publisher and Diverse cultures publishing team.

What advice do you have for someone who is thinking of writing and hasn`t decided to do so?

Listen to your heart and if deep inside you, you feel you want to write, WRITE!

Do not listen to those negative voices say, “I am not good enough! I do not have the money I am too old!  Too young, and so forth”.

Believe in yourself. Also, I would recommend someone to start the more comfortable and more secure way, by co-authoring at first with others on a topic, of your passion.

Any final words?

I can’t close without many Thanks. All these people have played a significant role in my writing growth. They were there when needed them. Amina Chitembo the Chief Publishing Editor at Diverse Cultures Publishing, Randall Hutchins, my boss at Sonnenblumen Community Development Group e.V. Mr Martin Rutte founder Project Heaven on Earth. My godson/co-blogger Nicholas Barasa. My son Kamau Latz who held my hand when it was hardest.

I also want to thank the following people: Dr Roberto Di-Bella founder FremdWörte. Laura Tinzoh, Njeri Osaak, Glenda Obermuller, Mary De Caro, Wambui Elsen (Wambo Wetu), Aisha Andrea, Jecinta (Tina)Becker, Rosemary Watu, Kamau Latz, Heinrich Hammacher, Nancy(Kiki) Becker my sister and my children: Richard, Mercy, Shiro, Ngugi, Frida, and Nduta (my gifts from heaven). All my daily readers love and hugs.

About the Book:

Title: The Perfect Migrant: How to Achieve a Successful Life in Diaspora.

The Perfect Migrant book is an anthology that brings together interesting stories from people from different backgrounds who have migrated from their countries of birth to seek a different like in another country. The perfect life that we all yearn for when we decide to move, whether by choice or not, is often full of trying moments, near death experiences and so forth. Nonetheless what binds the ‘The Perfect Migrant’ is that life is far from perfect, nonetheless, the passion, perseverance, determination and sheer strength has or have? seen these authors build the lives that they desire. They have jumped over obstacles, suffered loss and pain, but in the end, they have conquered the elements and made living in their chosen destination.

Compiled and Edited by Amina Chitembo, Founder of Diverse Cultures Publishing.

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