Allow us to publish it for you.

From just £997 you will receive all the following and personalised service.

Here is what is included in the package

One to one personalised service - with me, Amina, or a dedicated member of my team.
Full-text typesetting of your manuscript. Professional typesetters will manually layout your book in high resolution and turn it into a master piece. We will do the following: 

Book cover design

We will design your book cover for you, give you three concepts to choose from and up to 5 revisions.

Full-colour cover images

Choose from our range of royalty free images or give us your high-resolution image without any further cost to you.

e-Book version for Kindle

We will produce and publish - Your book cover front, spine, back, and inside text, will be typeset in high standard ready for print.

PDF proof for Approval

Once we have finished typesetting your book, we will e-mail you a proof of it for approval before going to print.

ThreeĀ complimentary books

Upon receipt of your approval, your book will be sent to press, and you will receive three copies of your book will be with you within 2-3 weeks.


ISBN assignment service

Your book will have its Int'l Standard Book Number (ISBN). This will enable you to sell it via any bookstore or internet site.

Author Central account

We will set up a personalised author account on Amazon UK, USA and EU for you (if you do not already have one.

Online book launch help

 We will help you drum up support with your friends and followers to encourage them to buy your book. The aim of any book is sales.

Internet book distribution

We will distribute your book via Nielsen Books and Amazon through our account or set up one for you. 

Physical book distribution

*We will register your book for distribution with Waterstones, Bertrams, Gardners, and other publishers in the UK, USA and selected parts of the world. 

Legal deposits service

We will deposit your book with the Legal deposit with the UK - You must submit your book to at least one of six main libraries.

Author price ordering

You will be able to order your book at wholesale price from our site or starting from just 10 copies. 


Please choose one of the options and proceed to check out. I confirm that the manuscript is completed, edited and proofread to my acceptable standard. PLEASE NOTE: Extra charges will apply if more work is needed on your manuscript.

Publishing ONE Full Payment


All the Services Listed above


Publishing THREE Monthly Instalments


Per Month

The remaining instalments will be taken from your account on the same day every month.


Publishing SIX Instalments


Per Month

The remaining instalments will be taken from your account on the same day every month.


*We can not guarantee that the dirstibutors will stock your book in their store, but we will make sure that if it is ordered via their system we will fulfill the order on your behalf and pay your your royalties*

**We aim to deliver your book within eight weeks from approval of copy**

Yes, I want to publish my book. Tell me more.


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Two Step

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