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You have seven days of money-back guarantee for all our courses. If you change your mind about the course you can claim your money back within seven days of purchase of the course and a refund will be issued. If you have taken out a book writing contract, you have a 30-day money-back guarantee outlined in your contract. Please email [email protected] adding Refund Request in the subject. Your purchase date will be on our system; you do not need to send back your proof of purchase.


The training and information provided by Amina Chitembo, Diverse Cultures Publishing and any associates presenting the publishing house are for advice purposes only and is used at your discretion. The tips shared are intended to help you understand the market better and through strategies and tools that we have learned through our education and experts in the publishing and marketing arena. The masterclasses do not promise to make you rich or make millions of monies as this is beyond our limit and scope. However, we know that you will be increasing your chances of using your book as a business tool if you consistently apply the strategies. It is dependent on many circumstances, including your story, location, needs in the market for your brand offer, and ultimately your effort.



 Receive book writing coaching from Amina, at this complementary lower rate of $247 for up to 3 hours. The normal price for the coaching is $397 per 3 hours, however, you will be getting the same high-quality coaching for this low cost.

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The Book Writing and Author Business Course USD


Here is what the course will offer you: 

Welcome to ‘The Book Writing and Author Business Course’. By the end of these masterclasses, you should have all the tools to help you turn your book into a business. You will go through the modules as listed below. Suppose you are taking this course at the beginning of your writing journey; you are encouraged to go through the masterclasses chronologically to get the best results. Alternatively, if you aim to reboot your book sales for an existing book, you can start from Module 3: Marketing masterclass. That way, you can focus on your relaunch and beyond. The seven modules are as follows:  

Module 1: Writing Masterclass

This module is aimed at people who are at the beginning of their writing journey. In this module, you will learn the critical aspects for consideration when deciding what type of book you can write, how you place your self in the subject and genre of your writing space, and finally how you write for your audience. You will consider ‘what is in it for them’ and why they should read your story.  If you are on our Write Your Book Now (WYBN) package, everything in this module will happen in the coaching and critic sessions, personalised to meet your needs. If you are not on the WYBN package, the masterclass will take you through some common writing ways and give you some examples of how you can write quickly even without our hands-on help. I would encourage you to consider joining the WYBN diamond package if you wish to get this personalised service.

Module 2: Editing Masterclass

In this module, you will learn how to set up formatting and do some basic editing yourself to help you save time and possibly cost before turning your book out to professional editors. You will also get some tips on where you can get your work edited by professionals without breaking the bank.

Module 3: Marketing Masterclass

In this module, you will learn to market yourself and your book the right way. Give yourself more opportunities to sell your book to a broader audience. It will take you through the different stages of your book marketing and introduce some fundamental areas of sales and marketing quick wins.

Module 4: Platforms Masterclass

In this module, you will learn the various publishing platforms and explore how you can leverage your existing contacts and market your book to them. You will also learn more about the various publishing platforms and some easy ways to manage them.

Module 5: Big Launch Masterclass

In this module, you will learn how to launch your book in a calculated manner, or how you can reboot your already published book to increase sales. You will explore the factors involved in deciding your book’s pricing structure and understand what is involved in the launch and how you prepare for it.

Module 6: Profiting Masterclass

In this module, you will learn about the possible ways you can profit from your book. You will gain an increased awareness of places that can help you move beyond merely being an author to becoming a business.

Module 7: Up-Scaling Masterclass

In this module, you will learn how you can upscale your book business.  You will cover how to raise your credibility and appreciate how you can earn more from your book. You will go through aspects such as prizes, series and more.