How to Deal with the Pressured Work Place

The number of NHS organisations being rated as inadequate by the Care Quality Commission is on the rise. Is the problem with the leadership or the tight budgets that organisation have to operate with.

In my personal opinion, sometimes it is easier to put the blame on the leadership without really tackling the source of the problem early enough. The struggles with budgets are real; performance and morale are constantly affected. Disgruntled staff will leave and the cost of recruitment and retraining is also very high in most cases and ultimately performance is affected.

The leaders do have a role to play though; one of the issues faced by the Executive having a reactive approach to financial performance and not having a clear financial and sustainability strategy.

I have seen a number of aspirational targets set by the executives at times due to external pressures, when it comes to achievement, they fall short. Some programmes end up being shelved prematurely.

So how can the Leaders...

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