How to Name Your Transition and Change Moments

As a former CEO of a charitable company and Director of my new businesses, I have gone through a lot of major changes both professionally and personally, and all these changes have an impact on my life and career. Some of the changes have been easier to manage than others, but I have somehow managed to get through them. I would like to start by sharing my top 10 ‘transition and change moments’, then I will work on some ways in which I have dealt with them and share some practical exercises that you may find useful in your situations, helping you to stay on track to better things.

In my adult life to date, I have gone through major changes and here are my top 10:  

1.     The loss of my parents, as the youngest of 10 children this meant I had to grow up overnight from being the ‘baby’ of the family who could run to mum whenever things went wrong to having to deal with the thing on my own. I did not choose this change, and the...

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