Losing $50 Million, Bouncing Back, and Giving with Passion.

leadership transformation Oct 12, 2017

Today I just thought of sharing with you this mindblowing inspirational interview I had with this thought leader who is also my good friend and property mentor Rod Khleif.

He is a real estate investor and host of TOP Youtube and iTunes podcast ‘The Lifetime Cash Flow through Real Estate’(link is below this post)

A compelling rags-to-riches-to-rags-to-riches story, Khleif soared from humble beginnings as a young, impoverished Dutch immigrant to incredible success. Rod’s experience involves both remarkable triumphs and spectacular failures, which he affectionately calls “seminars.” Rod brings incredible authenticity and insight to his approach to business, success, and life.

I was honoured to interview Rod earlier this year when I was just starting out with my podcast. (Apologies for my no intro), but as Zig Zigler said "You don't have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great" so I started. 

You will love this interview because Rod...

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