How to Deal with Stressful Situations at Work: Demonstrating your Leadership.

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where the stress at work stresses you out so much that you take the stress home messing up the rest of your evening?

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I recently had an interesting conversation with someone who was in and pressured situation at work; it was about managing workplace stress. Especially this time of year when there are deadlines to meet. Your boss is stressed, and that stress is trickling down to your level as a senior manager, your team is beginning to feel the stress, the environment is changing, and morale is going down.

How to do you stop that and turn things around? Here is what I learned and what I have done in such situations:

If no one is going to die, or the building is not going to collapse, don't sweat it. The best you can do is tell the person that is stressing you out that the work will be done, with the crucial tasks completed within the deadline. Say it with a smile on your face, if they are ranting at you, try to keep as...

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Executives or Business Leaders: Are you Struggling, Working too Hard and not Excited about Life Right Now?

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FINANCIAL STABILITY is at the core of life. You need to work and earn to maintain FINANCIAL STABILITY.

You need to be in the right MENTAL HEALTH and WELLBEING state to work, think, and act well and make CRITICAL DECISIONS responsibly.

When your MENTAL HEALTH suffers, you may lose your earning capabilities, and consequently, your FINANCIAL STABILITY can be affected.

When your FINANCIAL STABILITY, business or personal, is IMPACTED, your HEALTH and WELLBEING will suffer, and you risk problems such as Depression, Anxiety or worse.

EXECUTIVES and BUSINESS LEADERS, with heavy responsibilities, are even in danger of Mental Health Issues too. The problem is that we don't talk about it until its too. The stigma and fear of loss of position and earnings make it even harder. Without help, it can though lead to the same losses we are so worried about and a longer recovery route.

DON’T IGNORE your low moods and excessive stress. Talk to someone about how you are feeling, help is...

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How to Set Lasting Goals

Set Some Goals: It’s Never Too Late

Do you agree that Financial Stability is one of the highest needs we all have? I believe it is, even people who live the simple or modest life still need to pay bills and feed themselves to survive. If we are not Financially Stable, we develop problems, illness from starvation, struggles with creditors and bill companies, etc. Soon stress kicks in, and we start to struggle mentally. The struggle can lead to mental health issues such as depression. Depression has an enormous potential of affecting our ability to gain the same financial stability we seek. There is a solution to that can help us gain Financial Turnaround and start working towards financial stability and mental well-being. We can set some goals.

Every year we want to achieve things in our lives which seem to be out of reach halfway through the year, and we give up. We start out wanting a healthier lifestyle, more money in the bank, learning a new skill and the list goes...

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